Winter has arrived in The Motor City. I like winter. I love skiing, snowmobiling, and just being outdoors. My blood has not really thickend up enough yet, but I can tell it is changing. It is amazing how our bodies change. Every year we go from 55 degreess means shorts, to 55 degress means a jacket. By the end of December I will have no problem running outside for a smoke without a jacket. One thing I do need to do is get the battery replaced in the remote starter key fob! I don't want my blood getting too thick!
They are tearing down a huge building across the street. There are seven huge CAT's with huge pinchers on the end of the boom. It looks like War of the Worlds. It is neat to see how they are doing it. A lot is being recycled.
I am going to Fahonex for X-mas break. You know, the largest city in Arizona. It will be my first trip to AZ. I want to try and find somewhere to rent a snowmobile, but surfing hasn't turned up too much without having to drive half a day. I guess working on my sunburn will be in order. I have been in Dallas half of the past month and I guess I could try to keep the pasty white from coming on at least until February. Avis gave me an HHR and I was not impressed. Not a bad driver, it sipped the gas, and had plenty of room. The stereo? What stereo? You could turn it all the way up and at 55 and you couldn't hear it. One thing I have always said about GM is that they have always had the best stereo's. Even a stock stereo. I take it back. It sounded like my sisters old '74 Corolla with the one mono-tone speaker in the center of the dashboard. It ruined my whole experience. Maybe next week they will give me the upgraded version with more than two speakers...