Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Life in General

Of course I haven't posted in a long time. I spend a half hour writing a post and lose it... Makes sense.

GM and Ford have finally spilled their guts. What we knew was coming has finally been announced. Cuts, cuts, and more cuts. I think GM wrote off the kitchen sink in their 8+Billion loss. Ford made money, but not in NA. They wrote off the kitchen sink over the past two years. No, I don't think either will even come close to bankruptcy. I think they are both great long term (10+yr) investments. I don't want to dwell on this subject. I do like the new Ford Fusion, but I haven't driven one yet.

Winter here in the Great Lakes has turned out to be a dud. I know that the businesses that depend on the snow are feeling the pinch too. Overall, I think the economy is stagnant.

The Superbowl was the big news here in The Motor City. I think we got an A- from the media in general. I can say that I have never seen such a push to clean anyplace up in my life. If I had a nickel for all the garbage bags lined up along the freeway, I could spend a month on an island somewhere. (Not that people litter. I still find it amazing in 2006 when I see the whole McDonald's bag and cup come flying out of the window at 75MPH.) I personally didn't go close to downtown. I think the only way to get there was to drive 20 miles in the opposite direction of downtown and then take a bus back. I heard fun was had by all and even an A+ from the locals.

In general, life is good here in The Motor City.


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