Monday, September 20, 2004


Watching the Lions go 2-0, yes, that is the Lions 2-0! I was assaulted with unending advertising for the big 3. Mostly Ford, because the game was held at Ford field and Coach Mariucci was seen driving just about everything Ford produces.

Believe it or not, the big 3 spends 3 billion a year in advertising. Yes, that is 3 with a B billion. That's about a billion a piece in advertising. Sounds pretty lucrative doesn't it. What suprises me is that they don't actually produce their commercial themselves', it is outsourced. I guess it kind of makes sense, since their business is making cars/trucks. But, with such a large spend, I think they could get more bang for the buck if they managed it a little better.

Detroit is such a different market for sales than the rest of the country. Most people walk into the dealership and have a discount already because they work for the maufacturer or have a supplier discount. At the end of the model year things get crazy. Right now you can get a F150 4x4 for $3,500. That right, $3,500 cash gets you a 2004 F150 for 24 months, 24,000 miles and 0 monthly payment. That works out to $145/month. Of course this is the employee price.

Buy anything you want, just buy American.


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